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free inspection public adjusters

Do You Want To Know If Your Damage Is Covered By Your Policy?

Our qualified experts can help you to analyze your policy and maximize your settlement in case of a new or an open, and even a denied or underpaid claim. We always make sure that you receive what you are entitled to under your policy. Never settle for less.

Fill Out Our Free Inspection Form And One Of Our Public Adjuster Will Contact You Shortly.



Texas is sunny and bright, but just one storm, hail or tornado and you already might be facing such a huge damage that will cost thousands of dollars to repair. Not to mention the safety of your family which is always at higher stake during these times.  Most likely, hurricanes and tornados are the worst of the worst. Their power can cause not just serious structural damage, but also water, mold and flood damage so at the end up with an array of losses to settle your claim for.

As it’s long existing problem in this region, insurance companies are well prepared. You should be too as this is the only way for maximizing your claim settlement. Contact us so we can fight your fight.

To Get You Started On The Claim Process,

Be Prepared To Provide The Following:

First of all, fill your claim as precisely as you can. The more information you have, the better it is for the case!

Policyholder Information

Name of insured, address, phone number, e-mail, and policy number

Description Of Loss

Everything you can recall can help us: time and date of the loss, location of the incident, a detailed description of damages (the more detailed, the better it is)

Authority Notification

Note all authorities notified (e.g. fire department, police, etc.)

Emergency Service Companies & Damage Mitigation

In case, you already contacted any emergency service companies or performed any sort of damage mitigation, please let us know

filling out insurance claim

Need Help Filing Your Storm, Tornado Or Hail Damage Insurance Claims Or Handling An Existing One?

Our team of experts is ready to help you settling your claim from the very first step, filing it, till the happy last one: receiving your fair settlement.

We at ICA Public Adjusters are offering a FREE claim analysis.

Contact us today ENG / ESP 800 692-0922

Fill out our free inspection form, call us or just send an e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as we can. For faster administration, please, attach any documents related to your claim.

Contact Us

public adjusters process contac us

After our inspection is done, we will go back to the office. Together with our other experts, we will calculate and put together the best estimate to maximize your settlement.


public adjusters process estimate

Your insurance company will contact us when we can start our negotiation. Their plan is to give the least, but ours is to get the most out of your claim. We never settle for less.


public adjusters process negotiation

One of our public adjuster agents will inspect your home soon. He will also look for other damages, besides the one you requested, which could be also covered by your insurance.


public adjusters process inspection

When your estimate is ready, we will file the documents to your insurance company to request the money for your repairs. This is the time when we start fighting for your rights.


public adjusters process offer

After all the fights, pros and cons, when the deal has finally come to an end, your insurance company will send us the check that we will pass to you so your renovation can start.


public adjusters process payout

Fill out our free inspection form, call us or just send an e-mail and we will get back to you as soon as we can. For faster administration, please, attach any documents related to your claim.

Contact Us

One of our public adjuster agents will inspect your home soon. He will also look for other damages, besides the one you requested, which could be also covered by your insurance.


After our inspection is done, we will go back to the office. Together with our other experts, we will calculate and put together the best estimate to maximize your settlement.


When your estimate is ready, we will file the documents to your insurance company to request the money for your repairs. This is the time when we start fighting for your rights.


Your insurance company will contact us when we can start our negotiation. Their plan is to give the least, but ours is to get the most out of your claim. We never settle for less.


After all the fights, pros and cons, when the deal has finally come to an end, your insurance company will send us the check that we will pass to you so your renovation can start.


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