Yes, it’s June and you know what that means right? Of course, IT’s SUMMER!
One of the most fun season of the year! Time to enjoy the beach, barbeque cook outs, water parks, bike rides, road trips and many other wonderful events that create beautiful memories.

All of this is enjoyable, especially when the weather is cooperating. While we wish the weather may remain pleasant at all moments, we must also brace for the rapid climate changes. Being prepared can help you, your family, or your business minimize the impact in this Hurricane Season.
Hurricane season takes place between June 1st – November 30th each year.
When a hurricane warning is issued, there’s a rush to local grocery stores.
Get ahead of the crowd by storing the following in a convenient place before the start of the hurricane season.
● Extra batteries
● Candles or lamps with fuel
● Matches (keep these dry)
● Materials and tools for emergency home repairs (ex: heavy plastic sheeting, plywood, a hammer, wrench, tarps and other essential tools)
● Prescription drugs
● A 14-day supply of drinking water (1 gallon per person/per day)
● Non-perishable food that you don’t have to refrigerate or cook
● First-aid supplies
● Portable Radio
● Flashlight
–These are some of the most important items to have in the worst case scenario.

Besides having the essentials needed at home before the storm, it’s important to also check what your current insurance policy covers. This minimizes the risk of coming out of pocket with home repairs needed for potential damages caused by the storm. Don’t wait until after you have a loss to check your insurance. Review your homeowners or renters policies to make sure you have the right coverage in the event you're hit with a destructive storm.
If you live in areas close to the coast line, you know flooding may be inevitable due to the hurricane, and can cause great damage to your home. A standard policy will NOT pay for damages caused by a floods or earthquakes. However homeowners policy may pay to repair or rebuild your home if it is damaged or destroyed by a hurricane, hail, lightning, fire or other disasters listed in your policy. With that being said, it’s extremely important to familiarize yourself on what your coverages are.
FEMA reports that just one inch of water in an average home can result in $25,000 worth of repairs. A home with one foot of water could see a loss of more than $72,000.
Most insurance companies may have wording in their policies that also may confuse or deceive you from fully understanding your coverages. A reminder is that you could always have an honest opinion if the policy is suitable for your home needs from a Public Adjuster who works for the Public’s best interest.
While you review your policy, also take into consideration what your personal property coverages are. Basically if you were to flip your home upside down, things that would fall, like your furniture, electronics, clothes, sport equipments and other personal items fall under this category and are usually insured.
Prepare yourself by making an inventory list with pictures for your protection and review your policy to ensure you have enough coverage for those losses.
Another important coverage is your ALE (additional living expenses). This pays the additional costs of living away from home if you cannot live there due to uninhabitable damages caused by the insured disaster, like a Hurricane. It covers hotel bills, restaurant meals and other costs consumed while your home is being rebuilt. Keep in mind that the ALE coverage has limitations, therefore take the time to review those limitations.

After the Storm:
If after the storm you have severe damages to your home, don’t just rely on the insurance company to come to the rescue– in these situations they really don’t want too anyways. They most likely will have a large amount of claims opened from all other policyholders. Resulting in, making it complex for you to get the money you are entitled to receive in order to make those repairs.
To avoid being dragged out by the insurance company, seek help from a Licensed Public Adjuster who works for you and not the insurance company.
Licensed Public Adjusters are in oppositions of the insurance company and have a wide range of resources to help you move through the process much quicker.
A Licensed Public Adjuster provided top dollar estimate which includes the smalls details that they will address to the insurance companies to provide the policyholder the best pay-out for their claims. Don’t go through this alone, ask a professional for help!
Contact ICA Public Adjusters for more information and stay safe throughout this Hurricane Season!